Henderson Baracco The story of Henderson Boracco began in 1932 in Tombelle di Vigonovo, a town in the Venice province. Giuseppe Baracco, along with four artisans, began to make two pairs of hand-made shoes for men per day. Their passion for shoes became something tangible and the market for their shoes extended to whole of the north of Italy. Gino, Giuseppe’s nephew, joined him in 1960, and helped him make some important decisions, such as opening a bigger workshop, making his uncle’s dream to produce large quantities of shoes a reality. Deeply rooted and with an eye to the future, their production grew and became known in many European cities. The baton passed from father to son, and today Gianluigi and Enrico are the leaders who have inherited the motivation and passion to continue excellence in shoe making. A choice rewarded by the numerous collaborations with some of the most important fashion houses in the world. Shop Woman Shop Man